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- The 3 Button Serial Mouse mini-HOWTO
- Geoff Short, geoff@kipper.york.ac.uk
- v1.32, 4 November 1997
- How to get a 3 button serial mouse working properly under Linux.
- 1. Disclaimer
- The following document is offered in good faith as comprising only
- safe programming and procedures. No responsibility is accepted by the
- author for any loss or damage caused in any way to any person or
- equipment, as a direct or indirect consequence of following these
- instructions.
- 2. Introduction
- The most recent version of this document can always be found at
- http://kipper.york.ac.uk/mouse.html
- There is a Japanese translation at http://jf.gee.kyoto-u.ac.jp/JF/JF-
- ftp/euc/3-Button-Mouse.euc
- Most X applications are written with the assumption that the user will
- be working with a 3 button mouse. Serial mice are commonly used on
- computers and are cheap to buy. Many of these mice have 3 buttons and
- claim to use the Microsoft protocol, which in theory means they are
- ideal for the X windows setup. (The record for the cheapest working 3
- button mouse currently stands at $1.14!)
- Most dual-protocol mice will work in two modes:
- ╖ 2-button Microsoft mode.
- ╖ 3-button MouseSystems mode.
- This document leads you through the different steps needed to
- configure your mouse in these two different modes, especially the
- steps needed to use the more useful 3-button mode.
- 3. Serial Ports
- The first thing to do is to make sure the software can find the mouse.
- Work out which serial port your mouse is connected to - usually this
- will be /dev/ttyS0 (COM1 under DOS) or /dev/ttyS1 (COM2). (ttyS0 is
- usually the 9 pin socket, ttyS1 the 25 pin socket, but of course there
- is no hard and fast rule about these things.) There are also an
- equivalent number of /dev/cua devices, which are almost the same as
- the ttyS ones, but their use is now discouraged. For convenience make
- a new link /dev/mouse pointing at this port. For instance, for ttyS0:
- ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/mouse
- 4. Switched Mice
- Some mice, not usually the cheapest ones, have a switch on the bottom
- marked `2/3'. Sometimes this may be `PC/MS'. In this case the `2'
- setting is for 2 button Microsoft mode, and the `3' for 3 button
- MouseSystems mode. The `PC/MS' switch is a bit more complicated. You
- will probably find the `MS' setting is for Microsoft, and the `PC' is
- for MouseSystems. You may find the `PC' setting described as ps/2
- mode, but it should do MouseSystems as well. If you have such a
- mouse, you can switch the switch to `3' or `PC', put the MouseSystems
- settings in your XConfigs (see below) and the mouse should work
- perfectly in 3-button mode.
- 5. Normal Mice
- If you don't have any switches, and no instructions, then a little bit
- of experimentation is needed. The first thing to try is to assume the
- mouse maker is telling the truth, and the mouse is full Microsoft. Set
- up your Xconfigs to expect a Microsoft mouse (see the Xconfig section)
- and give it a try.
- If the mouse didn't work at all, then you don't have a Microsoft
- mouse, or there is some other problem. Try the other protocols in the
- configs, the man page for the config file is the best place to start
- looking. Also look in the Miscellaneous Problems section below.
- What you will probably find is that when you run X, the mouse works
- fine but only the outer two buttons do anything. You can of course
- accept this, and emulate the third button (press both buttons at once
- to click the middle one) like you do with a two button mouse. To do
- this, change your Xconfig file as shown in the Xconfig example section
- below. This may mean you have bought a 3 button mouse for no good
- reason, and you are certainly no further forward. So, now you need to
- look at your hardware.
- 6. Switching a Mouse to 3-Button Mode
- Even cheap mice can also work under the Mouse Systems protocol, with
- all three buttons working. The trick is to get the mouse to think
- it's a Mouse Systems one, something you rarely see in your
- instructions.
- ╖ Before you power up your computer, hold down the left mouse button
- (and keep it held down until it has booted to be on the safe side).
- When the mouse first gets power, if the left button is held down it
- switches into Mouse Systems mode. A simple fact, but not always
- publicised. Note that a soft reboot of your computer may not cut the
- mouse power and therefore may not work. There are a number of other
- ways of switching the mode, which may or may not work with your
- particular mouse. Some of these are less drastic than rebooting your
- computer, two are more so!
- ╖ If your computer is get-at-able you can unplug the mouse and plug
- it back in with the button held down (although you shouldn't
- normally plug things in to a live computer, the RS232 spec says it
- is OK).
- ╖ You may be able to reset the mouse by typing echo "*n" >
- /dev/mouse, which should have the same effect as unplugging it.
- Hold the left button down for Mouse Systems mode, not for
- Microsoft. You could put this in whatever script you use to start X
- up.
- ╖ Bob Nichols (rnichols@interaccess.com) has written a small c
- program to do the same thing, which may work if echo "*n" does not
- (and vice versa). You can find a copy of his source code at
- http://kipper.york.ac.uk/src/fix-mouse.c
- ╖ Someone has reported that the `ClearDTR' line in the Xconfig is
- enough to switch their mouse into Mouse Systems mode.
- ╖ If you are brave enough, open the mouse up (remember that this will
- invalidate your warranty) and have a look inside. In some cases,
- the mouse may have a switch inside, for some strange reason known
- only to the manufacturer. More likely on the cheap mice is a jumper
- which you can move. The switch or jumper may have the same effect
- as a `MS/PC' switch described in the ``Switched Mice section''
- above. You may find that the circuit board is designed for a
- switch between 2 & 3 buttons, but it hasn't been fitted. It will
- look something like:
- -----------
- | o | o | o | SW1
- -----------
- 1 2 3
- Try linking pins 1-2 or 2-3, and see if it changes the behaviour of
- the mouse. If it does, you can either fit a small switch, or solder
- across the contacts for a quick and permanent solution.
- ╖ Another soldering solution which might be a last-resort for mice
- which don't understand MouseSystems at all, from Peter Benie
- (pjb1008@chiark.chu.cam.ac.uk). If the middle button's switch is
- double-pole, connect one side of the switch to the left button's
- switch, and the other side to right button's switch. If it's not a
- double pole switch then use diodes rather than wire. Now, the
- middle button pushes the left and right buttons down together.
- Select ChordMiddle in the XF86Config and you have a working middle
- button.
- ╖ The ultimate recourse with the soldering iron was first described
- to me by Brian Craft (bcboy@pyramid.bio.brandeis.edu). Two common
- generic mouse chips are the 16 pin Z8350, and the 18 pin HM8350A.
- On each of these chips, one pin controls the mode of the chip, as
- follows.
- Pin 3 Mode
- ----- ----
- Open Default Microsoft. Mouse Systems if a button is held on power-up.
- GND Always Mouse Systems.
- Vdd Always Microsoft.
- (Pins are numbered as follows:)
- ____
- pin1 -| \/ |-
- pin2 -| |-
- pin3 -| |-
- -| |-
- -| |-
- -| |-
- -| |-
- pin8 -|____|-
- (This info comes courtesy of Hans-Christoph Wirth, and Juergen Exner,
- who posted it to de.comp.os.linux.hardware) You can solder a link
- between pin 3 and gnd, which will fix the mouse into MouseSystems
- mode.
- ╖ Peter Fredriksson (peterf@lysator.liu.se) has tried the SYSGRATION
- SYS2005 chip, and found that linking Pin 3 to Gnd forced Mouse
- System mode.
- ╖ Uli Drescher (ud@digi.ruhr.de) confirms it works on an HN8348A
- chip.
- ╖ Urban Widmark (ubbe@ts.umu.se) says the same applies to the
- EC3567A1 chip, where Pin 8 is ground. I've tried it as well and it
- works fine.
- ╖ Timo T Metsala (metsala@cc.helsinki.fi) has found that on the
- HT6510A chip pin 3 is mode select, pin 9 is Gnd. The same works
- for the HT6513A chip. Holtek also make HT6513B and HT6513F chips -
- on these, pin 8 is Gnd.
- ╖ Robert Romanowski (robin@cs.tu-berlin.de) says pin 3 - pin 8 (Gnd)
- works on an EM83701BP chip too.
- ╖ Robert Kaiser (rkaiser@sysgo.de) confirms that pin 3 - Gnd works on
- a EC3576A1 chip too.
- ╖ As an alternative to the above soldering methods, you can get the
- mouse to hold it's own button down when booting: this circuit from
- Mathias Katzer.
- -----
- --- R ---------O------ + Supply
- | ----- | | C = 100nF capacitor
- | | E | R = 100kOhm
- | __ / | T = BC557 transistor
- | / \ O
- | B | #V | T /
- |-----|-# | / Left button switch of the mouse
- | | #\ | O
- | \__/ |
- --- \ C |
- --- C ------O----------> (to somewhere deep inside the mouse)
- |
- ### Ground
- The test mouse was a no-name model MUS2S - whether this works in other
- mice depends on the circuit of the mouse; if the switch is connected
- to ground and not to +Supply, an npn-transistor like the BC547 should
- work; R and C have to be swapped then, too.
- So there you have it, the choice is yours. Stick with the default
- Microsoft two buttons, or work out how to switch the mode and set X up
- to take advantage of this.
- 7. Using gpm to Switch Mouse Modes
- gpm is the program that lets you use the mouse in console mode. It is
- usually included in linux distributions, and can be started from the
- command line or in the startup script /etc/rc.d/rc.local. gpm is the
- cause of much problem to people using bus mice, since it locks the
- mouse and stops X from using it - those of us using serial mice don't
- have this problem.
- The main modes for serial mice under gpm are:
- gpm -t ms
- gpm -t msc
- gpm -t help
- for Microsoft or MouseSystems modes, or to probe the mouse for you and
- tell you what it found. To run gpm in MouseSystems mode, you may need
- a -3 flag, and possibly a DTR option, using the -o dtr flag:
- gpm -3 -o dtr -t msc
- gpm is often able to recognise all three buttons of the mouse even in
- Microsoft mode. And newer versions (Version 1.0 and later (?)) can
- then make this information available to other programs. For this to
- work, you need to run gpm with the -R tag, like this:
- gpm -R -t ms
- This will make gpm re-export the mouse data to a new device, called
- /dev/gpmdata, which looks like a mouse to any other program. Note
- that this device always uses the MouseSystems protocol. You can then
- set your Xconfig to use this instead of /dev/mouse as shown below, but
- of course you must ensure gpm is always running when you use X. Some
- people have reported that some middle-button events are not correctly
- interpreted by X using this technique, this may be down to an individ¡
- ual mouse setup.
- Changing button mapping for gpm and X (gustafso@math.utah.edu)
- You may find that gpm uses different default button mappings to X, so
- using both systems on the same machine can be confusing. To make X
- use the same buttons for select and paste operations as gpm, use the X
- command
- xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 3 2"
- which causes the left button to select and the right button to paste,
- for either 2-button or 3-button mice. To force gpm to use the X stan¡
- dard button mapping, start it with a -B command, eg:
- gpm -t msc -B 132
- 8. Using two mice
- In some cases, for instance a laptop with a built-in pointing device,
- you may wish to use a serial mouse as a second device. In most cases
- the built-in device uses the PS/2 protocol, and can be ignored if you
- don't wish to use it. Simply configure gpm or X to use /dev/ttyS0 (or
- whatever) as usual.
- To use both at once, you can use gpm -M to re-export the devices.
- More details in the gpm man page.
- 9. XF86Config and Xconfig file examples
- The location of your configuration file for X depends on the
- particular release and distribution you have. It will probably be
- either /etc/Xconfig, /etc/XF86Config or /usr/X11/lib/X11/XF86Config.
- You should see which one it is when you start X - it will be echoed to
- the screen before all the options are displayed. The syntax is
- slightly different between the XF86Config and Xconfig files, so both
- are given.
- Microsoft Serial Mouse
- ╖ XF86config:
- Section "Pointer"
- Protocol "microsoft"
- Device "/dev/mouse"
- EndSection
- ╖ Xconfig:
- #
- # Mouse definition and related parameters
- #
- Microsoft "/dev/mouse"
- Microsoft Serial Mouse with Three Button Emulation
- ╖ XF86config:
- Section "Pointer"
- Protocol "microsoft"
- Device "/dev/mouse"
- Emulate3Buttons
- EndSection
- ╖ Xconfig:
- #
- # Mouse definition and related parameters
- #
- Microsoft "/dev/mouse"
- Emulate3Buttons
- MouseSystems Three Button Serial Mouse
- ╖ XF86config:
- Section "Pointer"
- Protocol "mousesystems"
- Device "/dev/mouse"
- ClearDTR # These two lines probably won't be needed,
- ClearRTS # try without first and then just the DTR
- EndSection
- ╖ Xconfig:
- #
- # Mouse definition and related parameters
- #
- MouseSystems "/dev/mouse"
- ClearDTR # These two lines probably won't be needed,
- ClearRTS # try without first and then just the DTR
- Microsoft Serial Mouse with gpm -R
- ╖ XF86config:
- Section "Pointer"
- Protocol "MouseSystems"
- Device "/dev/gpmdata"
- EndSection
- ╖ Xconfig:
- #
- # Mouse definition and related parameters
- #
- MouseSystems "/dev/gpmdata"
- 10. Cables, extensions and adaptors
- The only wires needed in a mouse cable are as follows: TxD and RxD for
- data transfer, RTS and/or DTR for power sources, and ground.
- Translated into pin numbers, they are:
- 9-pin port 25-pin port
- TxD 3 2
- RxD 2 3
- RTS 7 4
- DTR 4 20
- Gnd 5 7
- The above table may be of use if you wish to make adaptors between 9-
- and 25-pin plugs, or extension cables.
- 11. Miscellaneous Problems and Setups
- ╖ If you have trouble with your mouse in X or console mode, check you
- are not running a getty on the serial line, or anything else such
- as a modem for that matter. Also check for IRQ conflicts.
- ╖ It is possible that you need to hold down the left button when
- booting X windows. Some systems may send some sort of signal or
- spike to the mouse when X starts.
- ╖ Problems with serial devices may be due to the serial port not
- being initialised correctly at boot. This is done by the setserial
- command, run from the start-up script /etc/rc.d/rc.serial. Check
- the man page for setserial and the Serial-HOWTO for more details.
- It may be worth a little experimentation with types, for instance
- try setserial /dev/mouse uart 16550 or 16550a regardless of what
- port you actually have. (For instance, mice don't like the
- 16c550AF).
- ╖ The ClearDTR flag may not work properly on some systems, unless you
- disable the RTS/CTS handshaking with the command:
- stty -crtscts < /dev/mouse
- (Tested on UART 16450/Pentium by Vladimir Geogjaev geog¡
- jaev@wave.sio.rssi.ru)
- ╖ Logitech mice may require the line ChordMiddle to enable the middle
- of the three buttons to work. This line replaces Emulate3Buttons or
- goes after the /dev/mouse line in the config file. You may well
- need the ClearDTR and ClearRTS lines in your Xconfig. Some
- Logitech mice positively do not need the ChordMiddle line - one
- symptom of this problem is that menus seem to move with the mouse
- instead of scrolling down. (From: chang@platform.com)
- ╖ Swapping buttons: use the xmodmap command to change which physical
- button registers as each mouse click. eg: xmodmap -e "pointer = 3
- 2 1" will turn round the buttons for use in the left hand. If you
- only have a two-button mouse then it's just numbers 1 & 2.
- ╖ Acceleration: use the xset m command to change the mouse settings.
- eg xset m 2 will set the acceleration to 2. Look at the manpage
- for full details.
- ╖ Pointer offset: If the click action appears to be coming from the
- left or right of where the cursor is, it may be that your screen is
- not aligned. This is a problem with the S3 driver, which you may be
- able to fix using xvidtune. Try Invert_VCLK/InvertVCLK, or EarlySC.
- This info from Bill Lavender (lavender@MCS.COM) and Simon Hargrave.
- In the XF86Config, it might look like this:
- Subsection "Display"
- Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" "1280x1024"
- Invert_VCLK "*" 1
- ...
- ╖ If you are getting `bouncing' of the mouse buttons, ie two clicks
- when you only wanted one, there may be something wrong with the
- mouse. This problem has been solved for Logitech mice by Bob
- Nichols (rnichols@interaccess.com) and involves soldering some
- resistors and a chip in the mouse to debounce the microswitches.
- ╖ If some users cannot get the mouse to work but some (eg root) can,
- it is possible that the users are not running exactly the same
- thing - for instance a different version of X or a different
- Xconfig. Check the X start-up messages carefully to make sure.
- ╖ If you find the mouse pointer is erasing things from your screen,
- you have a server config problem. Try adding the option linear, or
- maybe nolinear to the graphics card section, or if it is a PCI
- board, the options tgui_pci_write_off and tgui_pci_read_off. (This
- seems to be a Trident Card problem.)
- ╖ If the mouse cursor doesn't show up on the screen, but otherwise
- seems to be working, try the option "sw_cursor" in the Device
- section of the config file.
- ╖ If your mouse stops working when its sunny or when you turn a light
- on, it may be that the sensors are being swamped by light getting
- through the case. You could try painting the inside of the case
- black, or putting some card in the top.
- ╖ Microsoft Brand mice are often a cause of problems. The newest
- ``Microsoft Serial Mouse 2.1A'' has been reported not to work on
- many systems, although unplugging it and plugging it in again may
- help. The ``Microsoft Intellimouse'' also causes problems, although
- it should now be supported by XFree version 3.3 and later.
- 12. Models Tested
- There are a lot of different mice out there, and I cannot honestly say
- that you should go out and buy one rather than the other. What I can
- do is give a list of what I think these mice do, based on experience
- and heresay. Even with this information you should be a little
- cautious - we had two identical mice in our office on two computers,
- some things worked on one and not t'other! Any additions to this list
- would be welcome.
- Mouse Systems optical mouse, serial version
- Works well (as you might expect from the name!) without ClearDTR or
- ClearRTS in the config.
- WiN mouse, as sold by Office World for eight quid.
- Standard dual-mode Microsoft/MouseSystems.
- Agiler Mouse 2900
- Standard dual-mode Microsoft/MouseSystems. SYSGRATION SYS2005 chip is
- solderable.
- Sicos mouse,
- Works ok, needs ClearDTR & Clear RTS in config.
- Index sell a mouse for 10 quid,
- Doesn't work in 3 button mode, but does have nice instructions :-)
- Artec mouse
- Usual dual-protocol mouse, needs `ClearDTR' set in config, NOT
- `ClearRTS'
- DynaPoint 3 button serial mouse.
- Usual dual-protocol mouse, needs `ClearDTR' AND `ClearRTS' in Xconfig.
- Genius Easymouse 3 button mouse
- Works fine with Mouseman protocol without the ChordMiddle parameter
- set. From Roderick Johnstone (rmj@ast.cam.ac.uk)
- Truemouse, made in Taiwan
- Works OK, needs `ClearDTR' in config. (From Tim MacEachern)
- Champ brand mouse
- Needs to have switch in PC mode, which enables MouseSystems protocol
- also. (From tnugent@gucis.cit.gu.edu.au)
- MicroSpeed mouse
- Usual dual-protocol mouse.
- Venus brand ($7)
- Has a jumper inside to switch between 2 and 3 button mode. (From
- mhoward@mth.com )
- Saturn
- Switched mouse, works OK as MouseSystems in 3-button position. (From
- grant@oj.rsmas.miami.edu .)
- Manhattan mouse.
- Switch for `MS AM' / `PC AT' modes, MS mode works fine with the gpm -R
- method. (From komanec@umel.fee.vutbr.cz).
- Inland mouse.
- Switch for `PC/MS' modes, works fine. (From
- http://ptsg.eecs.berkeley.edu/~venkates).
- qMouse (3-button), FCC ID E6qmouse X31.
- Sells in the USA for about $10. Works with `gpm -t msc -r 20'. No
- jumpers or switches for MouseSystems 3-button mode. Unreliable in X.
- Does not respond to echo "*n" > /dev/mouse.
- Mitsumi Mouse (2-button), FCC ID EW4ECM-S3101.
- Sells in the USA for about $12. Reliable in X and under gpm, smooth
- double-button. (These two from gustafso@math.utah.edu)
- PC Accessories mouse that i got from CompUSA for under $10.
- Has PC/MS switch on bottom. Works OK. (From steveb@communique.net)
- First Mouse - seriously cheap at 7.79 pounds at Tempo.
- Dual Microsoft/MouseSystems, mode set by button depress at power-up.
- No switches, no links. Four wire connection, echo '*n' doesn't work.
- `gpm -R' works a treat. (From peterk@henhouse.demon.co.uk)
- Trust 3-button mouse.
- Dual-mode with switch, works OK as MouseSystems in `PC' mode. gpm
- doesn't like the Microsoft mode.
- Chic 410
- Works perfectly when kept in ms mode and used with the gpm -R command.
- From Stephen M. Weiss (steve@esc.ie.lehigh.edu)
- KeyMouse 3-button mouse.
- Works OK with ClearDTR and ClearRTS in Xconfig; `-o dtr' needed with
- gpm. (From EZ4PHIL@aol.com)
- Qtronix keyboard `Scorpio 60'
- All three buttons work in MouseSystems protocol. (From
- hwe@uebemc.siemens.de)
- Tecra 720 laptop
- The glidepoint is on /dev/cua0; the stick is on /dev/psaux. (From
- apollo@anl.gov)
- Anubis mouse
- Works fine, need to hold down left button whenever switching to the X
- virtual console. (From Joel Crisp)
- Yakumo No.1900 mouse
- Works with gpm -R -t ms exporting to X. (From Oliver Schwank)
- Genius `Easy Trak' Trackball
- Is not Microsoft compatible, use Mouseman in the Xconfig and it will
- work fine. (From VTanger@aol.com.)
- Highscreen Mouse Pro
- `Works fine' says alfonso@univaq.it.
- Logitech CA series
- Works in X using MMseries protocol, at 2400 Baud, 150 SampleRate.
- (Should also apply to Logitech CC, CE, C7 & C9 mice). (From
- vkochend@nyx.net.)
- A4-Tech mouse
- Works OK, needs DTR line under both X and gpm. (From
- deane@gooroos.com)
- Vertech mouse
- Normal Microsoft/Mousesystems behaviour, can be soldered for a
- permenant fix. (From duncan@fs3.ph.man.ac.uk.)
- Boeder M-7 ``Bit Star'' (and other M series apart from M13)
- Switches to Mousesystems protocol by holding any button down at power-
- on. (From mailto:sjt@tappin.force9.co.uk.)
- Mouse Systems ``Scroll'' Mouse (four buttons and a roller/button)
- Has a 2/3 switch - in mode 3 functions as a three button MouseSystems
- mouse, ignoring extra button & wheel. Doesn't need ClearDTS/DTR.
- (From parker1@airmail.net.)
- Radio Shack 3-button Serial Mouse
- Model 26-8432, available in Tandy for about 20 quid. Works as
- Mousesystems with ClearDTR. (From Sherilyn@sidaway.demon.co.uk.)
- 13. Further Information
- ╖ Mouse Systems has a web site at http://www.mousesystems.com/. They
- have a Windows driver if you need one.
- ╖ The Linux Serial HOWTO is available from mirrors of sunsite around
- the world. If you don't know where your nearest mirror is, start
- at http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/linux.html
- ╖ There is a very good explanation of how mice work at
- http://box.argonet.co.uk/users/4qd/faq/meece.html.
- ╖ Fuller details of the Xconfig and XF86Config files are found on the
- relevant man pages, and in the documentation about installing X
- windows such as the Xfree86 HOWTO. Also, see the XFree86 FAQ at a
- mirror of http://www.XFree86.org/.
- ╖ Information about gpm can be found on the man page, also try the
- web page of Darin Ernst at http://www.castle.net/X-
- notebook/mouse.txt.
- ╖ Lots of information on mice hardware and software can be found at
- http://www.hut.fi/Misc/Electronics/pc/interface.html#mouse
- 14. Mouse Tail
- Much of the information for this document has been trawled from the
- various linux newsgroups. I am sorry I did not keep a record of
- everyone who has indirectly contributed by this route, thank you all
- very much.
- So, to sum up:
- ╖ Even cheap 3 button Microsoft mice can be made to work.
- ╖ Configure your copy of X to expect a Mouse Systems mouse.
- ╖ Hold down the left button at power-on to switch the mouse to
- MouseSystems mode.
- ╖ You might need to hold the left button down when starting X.
- ╖ Mice are more intelligent than you think.